Home»Persecution»Persecution Extends Outside China»Harassment and Interference»Political Trial against Falun Gong Practitioners in Hong Kong
Political Trial against Falun Gong Practitioners in Hong Kong
- The Hearing for the Fabricated "Obstruction Case" in Hong Kong Ends [9/27/2003]
- German Radio Station's Report On Hong Kong Trial: Local Government Seems to be Bending More and More to Pressure from Beijing [8/31/2002]
- Jilin Province Falun Dafa Practitioners Express their Support to the Hong Kong and Swiss Practitioners [8/27/2002]
- A Statement By the Sixteen Falun Gong Practitioners in Hong Kong Regarding their Trial, Verdict, and Fines [8/27/2002]
- A Verdict of Gross Injustice [8/25/2002]
- BBC monitoring: Hong Kong Falun Gong say fines not paid on principle [8/21/2002]
- Boston Falun Dafa Practitioners Expose Jiang's Extended Persecution of Overseas Practitioners and the Unjust Trial Against Hong Kong Practitioners [8/21/2002]
- Swiss Falun Gong Practitioners Condemn the Hong Kong Government's Politically Motivated Verdict [8/21/2002]
- Canadian NGO Chairperson's Heartfelt Action to Reveal the Truth of the Hong Kong Trial to Thousands of People [8/21/2002]
- BBC: Falun Gong to appeal HK convictions [8/21/2002]
- Wrongfully Charged Falun Gong Practitioners Stand Firm Against Political Persecution, Refuse to Pay Fines (Photos) [8/20/2002]
- AFP: Falungong considering civil suit against Hong Kong authorities [8/20/2002]
- Aftenposten (Norwegian Newspaper): Court Rules Against Falun Gong Practitioners in Hong Kong [8/20/2002]
- Sydney Practitioners Peacefully Appeal in Front of Chinese Consulate, Call on Hong Kong to Step Out from Under Jiang's Shadow (Photos) [8/20/2002]
- Montreal Practitioners Clarify the Truth in the Streets to Expose the Persecution in Hong Kong (Photo) [8/20/2002]
- IGFM (in Europe) Press Release: China Extends Falun Gong Persecution to Hong Kong [8/20/2002]
- UK Practitioners Make Appeals Regarding the Hong Kong Trial [8/19/2002]
- Reverse Logic Mixes Up Right and Wrong with Disastrous Results (Photos) [8/19/2002]
- Sweden: Practitioners Protest Hong Kong's Unjust Verdict Outside Chinese Consulate in Goteburg (Photos) [8/19/2002]
- Letter from Friends of Falun Gong (Ireland) Points Out Different Treatment of Demonstrating Practitioners in Ireland and Hong Kong (Photos) [8/18/2002]
- San Francisco Falun Dafa Practitioners Call on People of the World to Recognize the Nature of "Obstruction Case," and to Condemn Jiang for Undermining Hong Kong's Freedoms (Photos) [8/18/2002]
- Washington D.C. Dafa Practitioners Appeal in Front of Chinese Embassy and Call for Return of Freedom and Justice to Hong Kong (Photos) [8/18/2002]
- Press Conference in front of California State Capitol on Hong Kong's Unjust Conviction (Photos) [8/18/2002]
- News Review: International Media Focus on the "Public Obstruction" Case; What Direction is the Hong Kong Government Taking? [8/18/2002]
- History Will Hand Down a Just Verdict -- Practitioners from Ottawa Protest Conviction in front of the Chinese Embassy (Photos) [8/17/2002]
- Canadian MP Expresses Concern Over Politically Motivated Trial to Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs and Hong Kong Government [8/17/2002]
- South China Morning Post Reports on Politically Motivated Trial in Hong Kong [8/17/2002]
- Japan: Practitioners Deliver Appeal Letter to Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Photo) [8/16/2002]
- Falun Gong Practitioners from Melbourne Strongly Condemn the Hong Kong Political Trial (Photos) [8/16/2002]
- Practitioners from Ottawa Appeal in front of the Chinese Embassy, Urging Hong Kong to Immediately Dismiss the Groundless Trial (Photo) [8/16/2002]
- San Francisco Practitioners Appeal in Front of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Photos) [8/16/2002]
- Practitioners from Toronto Hold Sit-in Appeal in front of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Photos) [8/16/2002]
- AP: Hong Kong Freedoms Put to Test [8/16/2002]
- AP: Falun Gong Followers Convicted [in Hong Kong] [8/15/2002]
- US Citizen's Letter to the Judiciary Branch of Hong Kong, "it may set a precedent that also affects the perceptions of the international community" [8/15/2002]
- Sweden: Falun Gong Practitioners Urge Hong Kong Government to Immediately End the Political Trial (Photo) [8/15/2002]
- Canadian MP Writes to Foreign Minister Showing Concern about Hong Kong Trial [8/15/2002]
- UK: Greater London Assembly Member Signs Petition Against the Politically Motivated Trial in Hong Kong [8/15/2002]
- Germany: Stories During Petition Signature Collecting at Scenic Sites in Berlin to Call on Hong Kong to Dismiss the "Political Trial" (Photos) [8/15/2002]
- Letters of Support for the Falun Gong Practitioners on Trial in Hong Kong (Part IV) [8/15/2002]
- Canadian Practitioners to Hold News Conference in Parliament Hill on Hong Kong Trial [8/14/2002]
- Toronto Practitioners Hold 48-hour Sit-In: Dismiss False Charges and Protect Freedom in Hong Kong [8/14/2002]
- Canadian MP Calls for Vigorous Protest of Hong Kong's "Politically-Motivated" Trial [8/14/2002]
- Letter from Ottawa City Councilor to Canadian Foreign Minister Regarding Hong Kong Trial [8/14/2002]
- A Letter to Hong Kong's CEO from the International Association for Human Rights in Austria [8/14/2002]
- Letters of Support for the Falun Gong Practitioners on Trial in Hong Kong (Part III) [8/14/2002]
- Hong Kong and Swiss Practitioners Start 54 Hour Hunger Strike Appeal (Photos) [8/13/2002]
- Letters of Support for the Falun Gong Practitioners on Trial in Hong Kong (Part II) [8/13/2002]
- To the Honorable Judge in Hong Kong: Please "Fight Like a Man" for Hong Kong's Lawful Justice! [8/13/2002]
- French Practitioners Clarify Truth of Hong Kong Political Trial to All Segments of Society (Photo) [8/12/2002]
- Canadian Member of Parliament Responds to Practitioners' Email Appeal Regarding the Hong Kong Trial [8/12/2002]
- Letters of Support for the Falun Gong Practitioners on Trial in Hong Kong (Part I) [8/12/2002]
- Washington D.C. Falun Dafa Practitioners Call on the International Community to Take Moral Responsibility for Hong Kong's "One Country, Two Systems" (Photos) [8/11/2002]
- Swiss Falun Dafa Practitioners Hold Press Conference to Expose the Truth of Hong Kong's Political Prosecution (Photos) [8/11/2002]
- Seize This Time to Clarify the Truth -- Thoughts Regarding the Verdict in the Hong Kong Trial Being Delayed for One Week
- Letter from Dafa Practitioners to the Chinese Embassy in Ireland Regarding Hong Kong Trial [8/10/2002]
- Ireland: Falun Dafa Association's Letter to the British Embassy Regarding the Hong Kong Trial [8/9/2002]
- Japanese Practitioners Peacefully Appeal in front of the Chinese Embassy to Call on Hong Kong Government to Stop the Political Prosecution (Photos) [8/9/2002]
- Hong Kong: Defense Attorney Points Out in His Final Submission that the False Accusations Are "Political Persecution" (Photos) [8/9/2002]
- New York Practitioners Peacefully Appeal in front of Hong Kong's Economic and Trade Office (Photos) [8/9/2002]
- Falun Gong Practitioners Urge US Government to Pay Close Attention to the Hong Kong Trial at Congressional Forum [8/9/2002]
- UK: Member of Parliament Signs Petition Against Hong Kong Trial [8/9/2002]
- Apple Daily: Supporting Falun Gong Practitioners On Trial, Practitioners Around the World [Contact] Hong Kong Government with Phone Calls and Faxes (Photo) [8/9/2002]
- Russian Falun Dafa Practitioners Peacefully Gather in front of the Chinese Embassy to Call for an End to the Persecution against Falun Gong (Photos) [8/8/2002]
- Sydney Practitioners Hold Press Conference Outside Chinese Consulate (Photos) [8/8/2002]
- German People: The Photos Show the Scene So Clearly, How Could That be Considered an "Obstruction of Traffic?" (Photos) [8/8/2002]
- Practitioners in Sweden Hold 72-Hour Appeal in front of the Gothenburg Chinese Consulate to Protest the Hong Kong Authority's Politically Activated Trial (Photos) [8/8/2002]
- Australia: Falun Dafa Practitioners from Melbourne Call on Hong Kong Authority to Immediately Dismiss the Political Trial against Falun Gong Practitioners (Photos) [8/8/2002]
- We Hope That Hong Kong Authorities Will Stay on the Side of Justice and Civilized Society [8/8/2002]
- Vancouver Practitioners Call for People of All Walks of Life to Help Stop Hong Kong's Political Trial of Falun Gong Practitioners [8/7/2002]
- Houston Practitioners Call for International Community's Moral Support to Put an End to the Baseless Persecution (Photo) [8/7/2002]
- Washington DC Falun Gong Practitioners Appeal outside Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Photos) [8/7/2002]
- A letter to Hong Kong government from Ireland Falun Dafa Association: "The real trial seems to be of the autonomy of Hong Kong ..." [8/7/2002]
- Falun Dafa Information Center: A Trial that Never Should Have Happened [8/7/2002]
- Advocate for Falun Gong Practitioners Speaks Out Against the Hong Kong Trial to UN Sub-Committee for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights [8/7/2002]
- Falun Dafa Practitioners of San Francisco Bay Area Appeal in Front of Hong Kong Liaison Office Calling for Dismissal of the Unreasonable Accusations (Photos) [8/7/2002]
- Some Understanding About the Hong Kong Trial [8/7/2002]
- Southern California Practitioners Hold Press Conference in Front of the Chinese Consulate to Call for the Dismissal of Hong Kong's Sham Trial (Photos) [8/6/2002]
- Berlin Falun Gong Practitioners Expose the Jiang Regime's Influence Behind the Hong Kong Politically Motivated Trial (Photos) [8/6/2002]
- Former Resident of Hong Kong Speaks at Falun Gong Press Conference in San Francisco on July 31, 2002 [8/6/2002]
- Ottawa Practitioners: Stand Together Against the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners and Safeguard the Basic Human Rights of the People of Hong Kong (Photo) [8/6/2002]
- Toronto Practitioners Call for Maintaining Hong Kong's Freedom and Stopping the Politically Motivated Trial Outside the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Photo) [8/6/2002]
- Chicago Practitioners Call for an End to the Jiang Regime's Political Persecution of Falun Gong in Hong Kong (Photos) [8/6/2002]
- Verdict Nears in Test Case for Hong Kong's "One Country, Two Systems" [8/6/2002]
- Thoroughly Negate the Arrangements of the Evil Forces: Some Reflections on the Court Case in Hong Kong [8/6/2002]
- The Whole World Should Focus Its Attention on the Politically Motivated Trial of Falun Gong Practitioners Based On False Accusations by the Hong Kong Police [8/5/2002]
- Practitioners on Trial in Hong Kong -- The Second Defence Submission [8/4/2002]
- SCMP: Protest groups [in Hong Kong] complain police plan pushes demonstrators 200 meters back from 1997 site [6/27/2002]
- Trial Begins for Hong Kong Falun Gong Practitioners Falsely Charged by Police, International Human Rights Organizations Urge Hong Kong to Drop the Charges (Photos) [6/21/2002]
- AP: Falun Gong lawyer: Hong Kong police created a bigger obstruction than protesters [6/19/2002]
- DJ: Falun Gong Trial Monday, A Test Of HK Freedom - Rights Groups [6/19/2002]
- Statement from Hong Kong Practitioners Regarding the Trial [6/18/2002]
- CNN: HK prosecutes Falun Gong [6/18/2002]
- AP: Falun Gong Faces Hong Kong Trial [6/18/2002]
- Hong Kong Falun Dafa Practitioners Peacefully Appeal at Charter Gardens, Requesting the Release of Three Practitioners Illegally Detained by Chinese Police (Photos) [6/16/2002]
- AP: Falun Gong Head to Trial -- Hong Kong's Freedoms May Face Test As Falun Gong Members Go on Trial [excerpt] [6/16/2002]
- Swiss Practitioners' Hunger Strike in Hong Kong (photos) [4/19/2002]
- AFP: 16 Falungong members deny obstruction charges in Hong Kong test case [3/24/2002]
- AP: Falun Gong Faces More Charges (Photo) [3/23/2002]
- AP Worldstream: Falun Gong holds peaceful rally decrying obstruction charges against Swiss, Hong Kong [practitioners] [3/22/2002]
- SCMP (South China Morning Post): Swiss Falun Gong [practitioner] Erich Bachmann demonstrates outside the Legislative Council [3/22/2002]
- AFP(Agence France-Presse): Falun Gong urges Hong Kong legislators to ask police to drop charges [3/22/2002]
- BBC Monitoring: Hong Kong Falun Gong practitioners seek dropping of obstruction charges [3/21/2002]
- CNN: Row grows over HK Falun Gong charges [3/17/2002]
- Sixteen Practitioners Released on Bail, Hong Kong Police Make a False Charge of Obstruction Against Them (Photos) [3/17/2002]
- Reuters: Hong Kong Falun adherents say persecuted by China [11/18/2000]