Image for article Washington DC, US: World Falun Dafa Day Celebration Held at the National Mall

Practitioners gathered near the Washington Monument and performed the exercises, dragon dance, waist drums, and traditional dances to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day.

Image for article Canada: People Praise Falun Dafa During Falun Dafa Day Celebrations in Ottawa

Practitioners demonstrated the exercises during the event. The Tian Guo Marching Band led a grand parade through the streets near Capitol Hill.

Image for article Central Taiwan: Gratitude to Master on World Falun Dafa Day

Practitioners gathered in Taichung on May 5 to study the teachings of Falun Dafa and to share the many health, mental, and spiritual benefits they have experienced from the practice.

Image for article Falun Dafa Practitioners in Singapore Express Their Gratitude to Master

Practitioners who have deeply benefited from Falun Dafa express their endless gratitude to Master Li, as well as their wish to bring the goodness of Dafa to more people.

Image for article Finland: Celebrating May 13 World Falun Dafa Day in Helsinki

With musical performances and exercise demonstrations, practitioners celebrated World Falun Dafa Day in Helsinki's city center. Many passersby signed a petition calling for an end to the persecution in China.

Image for article Podcast (Our Teacher): Witnessing the Miracles and Magnificence of Teacher’s Lectures in Guizhou

Essays written by students of Falun Dafa, including their personal experiences and their interactions with the founder, Mr. Li Hongzhi, when the practice was first taught to the public.

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