(Minghui.org) A 56-year-old Shanghai resident was arrested at home around 3 a.m. on June 3, 2024 for his faith in Falun Gong, a mind-body practice that has been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party since July 1999.

The arresting officers, from the Wanli Police Station, didn’t issue an arrest warrant or detention notice to Mr. Du Ting’s family. Mr. Du’s lawyer’s repeated requests to meet with him were also denied by the police using various excuses. His loved ones only knew that he was taken to the Putuo District Detention Center, but knew nothing else about his case status.

Mr. Du Ting

Mr. Du was born in Gansu Province and moved to Shanghai for work one year after graduating college in 1992. He took up Falun Gong in October 1998 and soon quit smoking and drinking. His decades-long toothache also disappeared, and he no longer got colds frequently as in the past. He also became cheerful and energetic. 

After the persecution began in July 1999, Mr. Du held firm to his faith and was repeatedly targeted. In July 2000, the authorities threatened to revoke the business license of his employer, a toy company. He had to resign to avoid having his employer implicated for his faith. 

In the years that followed, Mr. Du was arrested multiple times, resulting in two prison sentences totaling 9.5 years. He was sentenced to eight years following an arrest on August 17, 2001. He endured horrific torture in the Tilanqiao Prison and was severely injured. He went on a hunger strike in protest and was brutally force-fed. He developed pleural effusion due to torture and almost died. Later, he also contracted tuberculosis and pneumonia. The prison, however, refused to grant him medical parole. 

When Mr. Du finished serving time in 2009, he was carried out of the prison gate as he could no longer walk. He gradually recovered by practicing Falun Gong, but his fingers, which were tied up for long periods of time in prison, were permanently deformed. 

Mr. Du was arrested again on September 26, 2019 and stood trial on November 26, 2020. By then he had been on hunger strike for more than ten months and was wheeled into a conference room in the Shanghai Prison Hospital to appear before a judge virtually. He was sentenced to one and a half years at the end of the hearing. 

Mr. Du was released in March 2021, only to be arrested again on June 3, 2024. For details of his past persecution, see the related reports below.

Related Reports:

After Spending 8 Years in Prison, Shanghai Resident Gets Another 1.5 Years for His Faith

Shanghai Resident Facing Trial for His Faith—Family Unable to Visit Him or Check Case Status Due to Coronavirus Epidemic

Two Shanghai Residents on Hunger Strike, Denied Visits by Their Lawyers

After Eight Years of Imprisonment, Mr. Du Ting from Shanghai Arrested Again

Mr. Du Ting Bound to a Bed for an Extended Time in Tilanqiao Jail

Mr. Du Ting Tortured at Tilanqiao Prison in Shanghai for Seven Years (Photo)

Practitioner Du Ting Is Tortured in Prison, His Wife Calls for Support (Photo)