(Minghui.org) I’ve heard that practitioners in my area have difficulty cooperating; instead we’re like scattered sand particles—each person does their own thing, and there are gaps between us.

I agreed at the time with what I heard—that practitioners couldn’t work together, and seldom told the coordinators their plans. I didn’t know why it happened but I felt this wasn’t a good cultivation state.

I felt the root cause of the problem was that I didn’t study the Fa well, therefore I didn’t understand the Fa principles and couldn’t recognize the problems based on the Fa.

I decided to memorize the Fa. I felt my xinxing improve greatly after I began memorizing Zhuan Falun. I was able to look at the problems based on the Fa, search inward, and resolve conflicts with my family, friends, and other practitioners. And after my xinxing improved, I was able to understand the Fa principles.

Master’s teachings opened my eyes. Master said,

“When tensions or conflicts emerge it can’t be said that Dafa disciples haven’t cultivated well, nor can this and that be said about that particular group of cultivators, and it can’t be said that the individuals involved aren’t diligent. You can never see the side that has been fully cultivated. That side has become divine, and only the side that hasn’t been fully cultivated shows itself. But those people are truly cultivating. They are not only cultivating, they have already established their own immense Attainment Status and gigantic changes in their entire bodies, with many parts of their bodies having been cultivated into gods.” (“Teaching the Fa at the Fa Conference at the U.S. Capital,” Collected Teachings Given Around the World Volume VII)

“Some people then think: “Goodness… We cultivate round and round, and yet these conflicts and things are still this intense? Why are there still conflicts after all that cultivating? We cultivate and cultivate, so why does it seem we’re not even as good as before? After so much cultivating, why is it that we can’t see any improvement?” Many people have thoughts like that. Actually, that’s the wrong conclusion to draw, and it reflects a complete lack of understanding of the form that Dafa disciples’ cultivation takes.” (“Teaching the Fa at the Fa Conference at the U.S. Capital,” Collected Teachings Given Around the World Volume VII)

After reading what Master said, I understood the part of us that is cultivated is being separated, and we only see the side that isn’t cultivated. We shouldn’t be moved when we see practitioners’ problems and then form new attachments. We shouldn’t be attached to their shortcomings, or fail to understand why they behave this way.

If we’re able to see practitioners’ cultivated side, the sacred and solemn divine side, then there’s nothing we can’t let go of. But we don’t get to see that side, so isn’t this testing our faith in Master and Dafa?

We should examine our thoughts more often when we interact with practitioners. If we harbor negative notions and look at others in a negative way, it’s because we have xinxing issues and we should look inward.

If we can’t understand things with righteous thoughts, we should tell practitioners in person. And if we can’t do that, we should at least cultivate our speech and not tell anyone.

I’ve talked about practitioners’ shortcomings behind their backs—but I feel everyone should search inward and cultivate ourselves. When bad things don’t happen to us, we shouldn’t continue as usual, and we definitely shouldn’t focus on others’ attachments.

Let’s take the initiative to resolve resentment between practitioners, let go of our egos, and form a one body. Let’s do what Master requires of us and be genuine Dafa practitioners.

This is my limited understanding. Please correct me if anything I’ve said is not in line with the Fa.