Image for article Washington DC, US: Spectators Learn About Falun Dafa from Practitioners in the Memorial Day Parade

Practitioners participated in the Falls Church, Virginia, parade by having a float and performances by the celestial maidens and waist drum teams. Many commented that they could feel their peaceful and positive energy.

Image for article New York, US: Congressman Patrick Ryan Recognizes World Falun Dafa Day

Congressman Ryan and Mayor Harvey were among the elected officials in the U.S. that issued letters, proclamations, and citations to honor Falun Dafa Day.

Image for article [Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Expressions of Faith and Gratitude from a 100-Year-Old Falun Dafa Practitioner

A healthy, energetic practitioner shares her and her family's amazing cultivation journey of more than 25 years.

Image for article [Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Calmly Handling the Situation When I’m Wronged at Work

A practitioner looks back at how having the right mindset and behaving according to the principles of Dafa helped her handle a difficult situation.

Image for article I Feel Happy That I Practice Falun Dafa

A practitioner shares how he was hesitant to practice Falun Dafa because he was lazy, and how good things happened after committing to practicing it.

Image for article After Nearly a Decade Behind Bars for Practicing Falun Gong, 63-Year-Old Jilin Woman Gets Second 5-Year Prison Term

The relentless suffering and torture of a practitioner because of her faith in Falun Gong. She had a happy life because of the practice that was shattered after being arrested. 

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