It was destined that Dafa practitioners would join me in saving lives at this historic moment. You vowed this before history began.

Image for article Canberra, Australia: Press Conference Calls to End Forced Organ Harvesting in China

Major news media in Australia reported on the press conference. Bipartisan senators, Falun Dafa practitioners, renowned human rights lawyer David Matas, and a former CCP spy spoke at the event.

Image for article Western Practitioners Inspired by Articles on World Falun Dafa Day Events and Recognition

“Taken together, these events reflect a growing recognition and support for Falun Dafa in different parts of the world," said a practitioner from Argentina who was encouraged by the articles on government support for Falun Dafa Day.

Image for article Taiwan: Practitioners Encouraged by Cultivation Articles Written for World Falun Dafa Day

One reader said the articles helped him see areas where he needed to improve. He said, “I deeply feel practicing Falun Dafa can improve one’s character and makes practitioners pure, kind, and selfless."

Image for article Cultivators Should Not Engage in Politics or Deviate from Our Principles

Several notable incidents recently took place in the U.S. My understanding is that we practitioners need to remain clearheaded and rational when facing these incidents so that we can do better in saving people.

Image for article California, US: Free Falun Dafa Class Held in Fremont

“I feel refreshed, and my attention is more focused," said one attendee of the introductory class. "Falun Dafa is what I’ve been looking for in my life,” said another.

Image for article [Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Master Saved Me When I Was on the Verge of Death

After being diagnosed with incurable heart disease, a woman decides to learn Falun Dafa from her neighbor and is shocked beyond belief by her instant turnaround.

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